Most folks presume that Dental Crowns are a
fairly new procedure, but it might surprise you to learn that Dental Crowns
have been around since the Etruscan period well over nineteen hundred years
ago. According to your Glendale Dentist, Dr. Kevin Bogdon, gold was the most
popular material used at that time with other materials quickly following suit.
A few hundred years ago, lead was the metal of choice until it was discovered
that it contained extremely high levels of toxic materials. Tungsten, iron, and
tin became popular over the years, as did precious metals such as silver and
These days, crowns are no longer made out of
toxic materials. Dentists in Glendale make permanent crowns out of stainless
steel, gold, all ceramic, all resin, or porcelain fused to metal.
According to your Dentist in Glendale, crowns
made from stainless steel are prefabricated and are normally used as a
temporary fix on permanent teeth. While the stainless crown is protecting your
tooth, the permanent crown is being made at a dental lab manufactured out of
another material.
When gold or other alloys such as palladium,
or base metal alloys like chromium or nickel are used for crowns, your Dentistin Glendale does not need to remove as much of the tooth structure. Metal crowns
can withstand tremendous force and will last longer than other types of crowns.
Metal crowns will rarely break or chip, unlike resin, ceramic or porcelain
According to your Glendale Dentist porcelain
fused to metal dental crowns can be matched to your teeth unlike all metal
crowns. With that being said, these types of crowns will wear down more quickly
by your opposing teeth. The porcelain part of the crown can also break or chip.
Another drawback to this type of crown is that the underlying metal can
occasionally show through just under the gum line.
All resin crowns are less expensive, but will
wear over time being more prone to cracks and breakages than porcelain fused to
metal crowns.
All porcelain or all ceramic crowns offer
Glendale Dentist patients the best color match and are much better for patients
who suffer from metal allergies. However, your Dentist in Glendale will tell
you that these types of crowns are not as strong as metal or porcelain fused to
metal crowns. All ceramic crowns work well for front teeth.
When it comes to dental crowns, only your
Dentist in Glendale can provide you with the best advice concerning dental
crown materials. Schedule an appointment today with Bogdon Dental for a
check-up and dental crown assessment.